Friday 10 June 2016


Here's a whacky theory from a skeptic with a suspicious turn of mind [and that would be me].

Tony Abbott was deposed, so I considered his cabinet at the time. Here is nearly half of that group.....

Abbott, Heffernan, Hockey, Pyne, Cormann, Brandis, Andrews, Turnbull, Briggs, Joyce, Robb, Bernardi, Cash, Fierravanti-Wells, Sinodinos.

QUESTION: What do these people have in common?

ANSWER:  They are all practicing Catholics!!

There may have been a few more even, that I could not pick up from their bios. Then there are the practicing Christians like Bishop and the Born-Again Morrison.
And, it is fairly well known that Abbott [and maybe some others], are supported by Opus Dei.
This constitutes a large bloc of very rightist conservatives at a moment in history when policies on the plate included same-sex marriage, climate change, abortion, Indigenous inclusion in the Constitution and other topical matters that would elicit a particular standpoint of Catholic faithful. Just maybe the backbench and a few in Cabinet saw a clash of policy coming, and a fall in support from an increasingly progressive electorate.
Or was the deposing due to the raw onion?

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