Sunday, 19 November 2017

The Child Brainwashers.

SOME QUOTES from "Educators" responsible for the "Safe Schools Anti-Bullying Program" in Schools, developed at La Trobe University in the Dept: ARC-Sexual Health Studies [nothing to do with scholastic expertise in anti-bullying].

GARY DOWSETT: [Professor and Assist. Director, ARCSHS,] 

"First, we have three legal/social questions  to win: custody right for gay men and lesbians; the legal rights of paedophiles and their young lovers; and finally the sexual rights of children as a whole. Second, we have three issues within the homosexual movement  and community: the support gay men provide the women’s movement and in our alternative child rearing practices and arrangements;..."


ROZ WARD: [Degreed in Gender Studies and co-writer of the Safe Schools Program. No teaching qualifications].

"LBGTI oppression and hetronormativity are woven into the fabric of capitalism […] This push to fit people into these physical and social gender constructs that promote heterosexuality is still incredibly strong and reinforced through the judicial system, through the medical, you know, all of medicine, the media and all social institutions […] Only Marxism provides both the theory and the practice of genuine human liberation […] The left historically and practically has been the key driver for the struggles for LGBTI rights […] Marxism offers the hope and the strategy needed to create a world where human sexuality, gender and how we relate to our bodies can blossom in extraordinarily new and amazing ways that we can only try to imagine today […] Alongside sexism, homophobia and transphobia both serve to break the spirits of ordinary people, to consume our thoughts, to make us accept the status quo and for us to keep living or aspiring to live, or feel like we should live, in small social units and families, where we must reproduce and take responsibility for those people in those units.’’

"Safe Schools Coalition is about supporting gender and sexual diversity. It’s not about celebrating diversity. It’s not about stopping bullying. It’s about gender and sexual diversity. It’s about same sex attraction. It’s about being transgender. It’s about being lesbian, gay, bisexual, say the words: transgender, intersex. It’s not just about being nice to everyone, everyone’s great.

" “Now we just need to get rid of the racist Australian flag on top of state parliament and get a red one up there and my work is done.” 

The university suspended Ms Ward while it probes the “serious misconduct”. Picture: David Geraghty

Anti-bullying campaigner Roz Ward confronts a pro-Trump demonstrator at anti-Trump rally organised by the Monash Student Association on November 12. Picture: Kenji Wardenclyffe/Wardenclyffe PhotographySource:Supplied 


"...However, all later choices remain somehow based on the parental prototypes. According to the 'enigmatic signifier' theory of Jean Laplanche, the child is seduced by the mother, more particular by her total persona and thus also by her sexuality (Angelides 2003). It is difficult to acknowledge this openly, however, in the unconsciousness there remains a reservoir of full sensual love between parents and their children. ..."


Wednesday, 15 November 2017

What Now For Kids?

My wife and I had just reached the ripe old age of twenty-three with a two month old baby when we applied to foster two Aboriginal boys to enable them to attend technical courses, since they hailed from remote country towns. The interview process conducted by Government agents was extensive and largely based on our views regarding family values and our personal worldview. Needless to say that our traditional values impressed. [And the two lads were an absolute joy].

Within a year I had joined the Government workforce and was in possession of a warrant that certified me as acting for the Minister of Indigenous [Native] Welfare and I was hiring staff myself to assist in the operation of an Aboriginal hostel, thus I was employing couples based on the same values that have evolved through the Christian ethos. But, a hostel is a different proposition to the out-of-home cottage system that I managed seven years later whereby surrogate parents were given a house and any number of Aboriginal children to care for. Such children came from broken homes or were orphaned. Whilst run under the auspices of a Christian denomination, cottage parents did not need to belong to that denomination but had to aspire to the same values of marriage and family as in the previous examples.

The priority for the hiring of cottage parents was definitive  -  one might say it was discriminatory  -  and discriminated in favor of [1] stable married Aboriginals who supported the Christian ethos,  [2] stable married couples of any nationality who supported the Christian ethos,  [3] single applicants who supported the Christian ethos. A good interviewer can determine the worldview of applicants as there were many factors to be considered, but that's the nutshell. There was no question that in the government-run hostel as well as for the private cottage system, the premium care to be provided for kids in the absence of the ultimate pre-eminent care of natural parents was a stable couple providing both mother and father figures. That I hired some single cottage parents was by necessity due to lack of married applicants. In one case, a single Aboriginal woman was given a baby and two small children and provided wonderful care. While she could not be faulted, the absence of a father figure was not ideal.

That was then. This is now, and it is the "now" of changes to the marriage laws which will not allow for discrimination as to gender or sexuality. Parliament will now proceed to debate just which exemptions will apply to wedding services, to free speech, to the hiring of carers, to conscientious objectors and so on. But it is not just what will be framed in legislation that is of concern  -  it is also the ethos that will pervade all things that have to do with children; viz., surrogacy, adoption, fostering, carers, babysitters, educators, medical care and treatments, unisex toilets/change rooms and the like. Already many serious problems have arisen in countries where same sex marriage has become law.


Australia just voted to burden itself with a new host of problems because  -Discrimination! That is just another term that the neo-modernist left have hijacked to become obnoxious; much like so many other terms. We discriminate dozens of times each day and through life to both increase our quality of life and to even save our lives: what shall I eat to maintain optimum health; which school is best for my kids; which doctor, which route to take, which babysitter, etc, etc? Surely you would not discriminate against a newly-released criminal who applied to house-sit or babysit. Would you? And yet we hand over our children to those really awful people who have designed gender fluidity school programs. Already in play is adoption of kids by same-sex parents who deprive them of one or more natural parents with the excuse that such parents are as capable of love as any natural parent. That goes back to my single Aboriginal surrogate parent who gave her charges much love  -  while it worked nicely, that situation ought not become the pre-eminent standard. But it will become equated with the care given in a nuclear family, and the non-discriminatory premise built in to same sex marriage brings with it the policy of never discriminating against adopters, fosterers, carers and so on. Would I now be forced to employ a 'transgender' female as a housemother for the girls in a hostel? Why not even a male? Were I that government agent who interviewed us to foster two boys but now found myself vetting a couple  -  one of which is a trans male and her/his partner is a transhuman, I will not be permitted to discriminate against them on the basis of their preferred gender or identity, since they have now legally married.

Do you think I am exaggerating? Here are some of the 300 articles I found where those who rejected trans and same sex marriage were either refused adoption or were prosecuted for their beliefs. [ that's 300 articles and none refer to prosecutions of Christians who refuse to service a wedding....... there are plenty of those too].

Forgive them Father for they know not what they have done. transgenderism-or-face-ban-from-working-with
Jun 1, 2017 ... Christians who reject transgenderism banned from adoption, working ... all employees and volunteers who cannot in good conscience support and ... added, “Denying people of ... faith the opportunity to foster or adopt children ... allowing-govt-to-take-kids-from-c
Jun 1, 2017 ... “The implication is that intervention should not be presumed to be ... to discriminate against Christians who want to adopt or foster children. to-seize-children-from-chris
Jan 25, 2017 ... “These are gestapo-like tactics, and I can't believe we're witnessing it unfold in the ... Bill discriminates against Christianswanting to adopt. Parents who are seeking to adopt or foster but who oppose gender theory and gender ... dangerous.-this-is-an-existential
4 days ago ... This is an existential threat we can't ignore ... florists, property owners, and adoption agencies finding themselves to be the targets of gay ... And worse: Christian parents and foster parents are increasingly finding themselves ... be-forced-to-give-kids-to-gay-coup
Jun 16, 2017 ... HB 3859, the Freedom to Serve Children Act, allows faith-based adoption and foster care organizations to receive state funding without fear of ... allowing-children-to-be-take
Jun 5, 2017 ... 'Make no mistake, Bill 89 is a grave threat to Christians and all ... who disagree with that agenda from fostering or adopting children. ... “[Y]ou can't remove a kid because the parent disagrees with the fact that a child is gay. from-ontario-parents-who-dont-accep
Mar 14, 2017 ... ... from fostering or adopting children, according to an ARPA analysis. ... That “ implies that Children's Aid Society intervention should not be ... agencies-to-refuse-same-sex-couple
Sep 22, 2017 ... Christian agencies across the nation have closed over LGBTQI anti- discrimination ... Other foster and adoptionagencies in San Francisco and ... -5-year-old-christian-into-two
Aug 28, 2017 ... Foster parents are paid up to £474 ($612.59 US) a month per child ... supportive family homes to children who are unable to live with their birth ... -from-forced-adoptions-by-gays
May 11, 2017 ... He said that in light of Texas' “broken” foster care system, giving legal ... The bill also allows religious exemption from anti-Christian activities or ...

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

The Wolves Have Come For The Sheep.

Australians have voted in favour of same-sex fake marriage [which will prove to be a vote for marriage between any two people as stated in proposed draft legislation  -  which we are not supposed to know about, or kick up any fuss about], in the proportion of roughly 60:40. Around 80% of eligible voters voted which implies that 20% couldn't give a stuff about the tenets of our future society.

Australia once rode on the sheep's back, economically. Today it has declared that the country will, in future, ride on the sheep's back ideologically and socially. Christ knows we are indeed sheep, for He commanded the leaders of His followers: "Feed My lambs, feed My sheep". Indeed He referred to Himself as The Good Shepherd and warned them of the Hireling who would desert the flock and of the Wolf who would consume His sheep.

Aussies like to think of themselves as individuals as epitomized by the hit song of a notorious ex-footballer, Mark Jacko Jackson: "I'm A Bloody Individual". Not so, Jacko! We vote for the Party which we think will give us most free stuff while our altruistic selves dole out preferences to those who promise to 'save the planet' and invite in the 'poor refugee' in the name of diversity. Now, as reflected in the vote for the destruction of Marriage, Australians have voted for 'Equality' .....that great partner to Diversity. Yes, that's Equality to make us all the same, and Diversity to render us all different, and we sheepishly are not even capable of crying out: "Say That Again?"

It's the virtue signalling, you see. We want to be good. We want others to know it. We especially want the "oppressed minorities" to know that we love them and that we repent of our past sins of repression, prejudice, colonialism and all those nasty things that apparently are confined to white Christian males.. Oh heck, if we legitimize anything-goes, even our own little secret behaviours won't bother our conscience. It's a win-win, and by god, we will find a way to justify it with the religious convictions we may hold  -  and that's quite easy when we are our own authority; landsakes, isn't the first commandment  -  Love! So, there you go, that's all the gays want  - Love! Remember when pondering these things that it would be rather unsheeplike to dwell on the point that a "No" vote which denied gay marriage would have zero effect on how much gays love their partners. Silly point that.....just one for religious nutters. And for Christ's sake, don't question 'love' or start defining it because, I say in all sincerity, Jesus already showed us what love is and would surely be disappointed if we had to revert to reminding anyone what loving others actually means and entails. Crikey, don't mention changing nappies and sleepless nights, or copping it on the chin when faced with illogic, or busting a gut to pay for a better education, or turning the cheeck, or defending the country from attack or............ The trend now set in motion will be anti-child in that same-sex and other forms of parenting will be equated with the formerly pre-eminent aim for a child to be reared by both a natural mother and father, and it will be prosecutable to refute it. Anyway, there won't be so many nappies getting changed in our future unicorn Utopian society, but we can always compensate for our falling population by importing sheep of odd cultural bent in the name of Diversity. You know  -  those who will push for the great god "Equality" which does not discriminate against those who 'love' multiple partners, and those who simply can't help that oh so genuine 'love' they feel for kiddies as they pass off their detestable inclinations as a legitimate sexuality; and why shouldn't they, for we have now opened the door for them, just as we have opened the door for mentally ill men to the toilets used by our 9 year old daughters. We sheep are so tolerant.

Who then is this Hireling? The hireling who deserted the flock may perhaps be found amongst the rulers, the elites, the oligarchs who determine our laws for living. You know  -  those we elected to rule. And who then is this wolf? Fancy asking such a question of Australians who pride themselves on their individuality and new-found egalitarianism. Surely most of us know history: Bolshevism, the Frankfurt School. Marcuse, Marx, Kinsey, Freud, Postmodernism, the Iconoclasts, Sanger, Nietsche..... blah, blah, and the many ideologues who have wormed their philosophies into the education systems, the media, entertainment industry and politics? No? But surely we know about those currently determining what takes over our children's minds here and now, today? For example we must know that we have sent our kids to sit programs designed by the likes of pedophiles like Sam Levin and the revolting Kevin Jennings, both in Nth. America who set the curricula of the anti-bullying sexuality programs which were the template for the mentally ill pretend female Roz Ward who wrote our "Safe Schools" program while claiming her program was not about bullying but the destruction of capitalism or something like that,  while addressing Marxist meetings and shouting for the Australian flag to be replaced by the Hammer & Sickle, and operating under the tutelage of the Head of the Sexual Health Dept. at La Trobe, Gary Dowsett, who writes extensively to support pedophilia. Should I ask again: Who is the Wolf? Perhaps the name Satan would suffice, but nay! that would be so politically incorrect and fanatically religious.

We may not know or heed ideological history, that's forgivable, but we have shunned the future for our progeny, and that is unforgivable.

Friday, 3 November 2017

Internal Memo for Speak freely

Some suggestions for a new Page Header..............

Any picture here, or any others suggested [which can be downloaded from Free Pics], can contain any text decided on [through using a free meme-making app]. The first here is an example only. The same, or similar text, can be applied to any other picture shown or any others submitted for consideration.