Tuesday, 14 November 2017

The Wolves Have Come For The Sheep.

Australians have voted in favour of same-sex fake marriage [which will prove to be a vote for marriage between any two people as stated in proposed draft legislation  -  which we are not supposed to know about, or kick up any fuss about], in the proportion of roughly 60:40. Around 80% of eligible voters voted which implies that 20% couldn't give a stuff about the tenets of our future society.

Australia once rode on the sheep's back, economically. Today it has declared that the country will, in future, ride on the sheep's back ideologically and socially. Christ knows we are indeed sheep, for He commanded the leaders of His followers: "Feed My lambs, feed My sheep". Indeed He referred to Himself as The Good Shepherd and warned them of the Hireling who would desert the flock and of the Wolf who would consume His sheep.

Aussies like to think of themselves as individuals as epitomized by the hit song of a notorious ex-footballer, Mark Jacko Jackson: "I'm A Bloody Individual". Not so, Jacko! We vote for the Party which we think will give us most free stuff while our altruistic selves dole out preferences to those who promise to 'save the planet' and invite in the 'poor refugee' in the name of diversity. Now, as reflected in the vote for the destruction of Marriage, Australians have voted for 'Equality' .....that great partner to Diversity. Yes, that's Equality to make us all the same, and Diversity to render us all different, and we sheepishly are not even capable of crying out: "Say That Again?"

It's the virtue signalling, you see. We want to be good. We want others to know it. We especially want the "oppressed minorities" to know that we love them and that we repent of our past sins of repression, prejudice, colonialism and all those nasty things that apparently are confined to white Christian males.. Oh heck, if we legitimize anything-goes, even our own little secret behaviours won't bother our conscience. It's a win-win, and by god, we will find a way to justify it with the religious convictions we may hold  -  and that's quite easy when we are our own authority; landsakes, isn't the first commandment  -  Love! So, there you go, that's all the gays want  - Love! Remember when pondering these things that it would be rather unsheeplike to dwell on the point that a "No" vote which denied gay marriage would have zero effect on how much gays love their partners. Silly point that.....just one for religious nutters. And for Christ's sake, don't question 'love' or start defining it because, I say in all sincerity, Jesus already showed us what love is and would surely be disappointed if we had to revert to reminding anyone what loving others actually means and entails. Crikey, don't mention changing nappies and sleepless nights, or copping it on the chin when faced with illogic, or busting a gut to pay for a better education, or turning the cheeck, or defending the country from attack or............ The trend now set in motion will be anti-child in that same-sex and other forms of parenting will be equated with the formerly pre-eminent aim for a child to be reared by both a natural mother and father, and it will be prosecutable to refute it. Anyway, there won't be so many nappies getting changed in our future unicorn Utopian society, but we can always compensate for our falling population by importing sheep of odd cultural bent in the name of Diversity. You know  -  those who will push for the great god "Equality" which does not discriminate against those who 'love' multiple partners, and those who simply can't help that oh so genuine 'love' they feel for kiddies as they pass off their detestable inclinations as a legitimate sexuality; and why shouldn't they, for we have now opened the door for them, just as we have opened the door for mentally ill men to the toilets used by our 9 year old daughters. We sheep are so tolerant.

Who then is this Hireling? The hireling who deserted the flock may perhaps be found amongst the rulers, the elites, the oligarchs who determine our laws for living. You know  -  those we elected to rule. And who then is this wolf? Fancy asking such a question of Australians who pride themselves on their individuality and new-found egalitarianism. Surely most of us know history: Bolshevism, the Frankfurt School. Marcuse, Marx, Kinsey, Freud, Postmodernism, the Iconoclasts, Sanger, Nietsche..... blah, blah, and the many ideologues who have wormed their philosophies into the education systems, the media, entertainment industry and politics? No? But surely we know about those currently determining what takes over our children's minds here and now, today? For example we must know that we have sent our kids to sit programs designed by the likes of pedophiles like Sam Levin and the revolting Kevin Jennings, both in Nth. America who set the curricula of the anti-bullying sexuality programs which were the template for the mentally ill pretend female Roz Ward who wrote our "Safe Schools" program while claiming her program was not about bullying but the destruction of capitalism or something like that,  while addressing Marxist meetings and shouting for the Australian flag to be replaced by the Hammer & Sickle, and operating under the tutelage of the Head of the Sexual Health Dept. at La Trobe, Gary Dowsett, who writes extensively to support pedophilia. Should I ask again: Who is the Wolf? Perhaps the name Satan would suffice, but nay! that would be so politically incorrect and fanatically religious.

We may not know or heed ideological history, that's forgivable, but we have shunned the future for our progeny, and that is unforgivable.

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