Father Paolo Siano, of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception, has sent us an interesting article that constitutes a contribution to some of the themes that will be debated on April 7th in Rome.

- Paolo M. Siano
FFI: the anti-founder coup and misunderstandings on obedience and infallibility
On Saturday 7 April, at 3:00 pm, the conference "Catholic Church, where are you going?" Will take place in Rome to discuss the current crisis in the Church. It will also be the limits of papal authority in doctrinal matters. While we await with interest the work of the conference, I would like to offer a modest contribution outside the program with the case of the commissioner of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (FFI).
First of all, we refer readers to some recent articles on the case ( ; paolo-sia-padre-manelli-and-Franciscans-of the immaculate-are-trash-in-the-new-church-of-francesco / ; -dei-ffi-2012 / ; they had to-think about it-before / comment-page-1 / ).
Since the beginning of the commissioner, the crisis and confusion that has been creeping up in the Church for years has also erupted and that in recent years, especially with the Amoris Laetitia case, has become increasingly evident in the eyes of honest and free observers from courtesans interests.
The coup, the crisis and the confusion between the FFI, the persecution and the damnatio memoriae of founders and their supporters friars, nuns, lay people, have become reality, not only thanks to ecclesiastics who have been hostile for years to the forma vitae and forma mentis of the FFI , but also thanks to misunderstandings on the concepts of papal obedience and infallibility.
As for the sophisms on obedience, the falsehoods and injustices suffered since the beginning of the commissioner, when the program imposed from above was "smash everything" and "redo all over again", see for example the article http: / / .
We friars who defend both Father Stefano Manelli, and the substance of the pre-commissarial FFI government (including the Vetus Ordo option) and the SFI, are accused from the beginning of the commissioner, in various ways, of being disobedient, of not to stand and not to feel with the Church, to be a cause of suffering with our resistance, the cause of disunity ... These are misleading sophisms that are the result of bad faith or illusions.
In truth, in the name of obedience one can not force not to defend founders, friars, nuns, and to accept their damnatio memoriae and the accusations which will most likely peep into the minutes of the next FFI general chapter. Obedience can not oblige not to defend the truth, it can not dispense from the 4th Commandments (honors parents, including founders), 5th (do not kill, do not slander) and 8th (do not say nor endorse lies).
Among the FFI the misunderstanding about obedience seems to intertwine with another great misunderstanding, perhaps more fundamental, that is to consider a Roman Pontiff always infallible in every word and action. The diffusion of such a fideist onniinfallibilismmay also have contributed to the sympathy of some anti-foundation friars towards a notorious Catholic association for the defense of traditional Catholic values, which does not seem to be Lefebvrist, but always defends anything that a Roman Pontiff says face. Paradoxically, such an omni-infallibility can slip into that relativism that we claim to fight.
Here is an example of such at least implicit at least-infallibilism.
A Pontiff created the theologian Hans Urs Von Balthasar as a cardinal "in pectore", another Pontiff called him a "sure theologian"; therefore all this is in fact understood as an infallible canonization of all his theology, for which one tries to justify at all costs also the vonbalthasarian theory of the empty hell according to which there is no certainty that some soul is damned and is It is possible to hope that everyone will be saved, even Judas. See for example .
In reality the vonbalthasarian theories of the empty hell and of the descent of Christ in the hell of the damned are not in tune with the Catholic theology founded on the objective datum of Divine Revelation, on Tradition and on the Magisterium of the Church.
Returning to the FFI, given that Pope Francis wanted to commissariarci, here is that many naive friars, behind the skillful rule of some, they believed that this commissioner is certainly fair and "infallible", so they believe in all the charges against P. Manelli and against us his defenders, friars and nuns. It is not surprising that the anti-foundation friars have accused the confreres of being against the Pope.
Fortunately, between friars and laymen, such an onniinfallibilismbegan to creak with the case Amoris Laetitia and the "Dubia" of the 4 Cardinals. However, there are still friars who, misunderstanding obedience and infallibility, accept that Communion is also given to the divorced and remarried who want to live "more uxorio".
Here is the fundamental issue that finally comes to comb: a Pope, especially this Pope, is always infallible? Who separates the Faith from reason, from theology and from the right understanding of the dogma, answers "Yes". But it is a fideist and nominalist faith, paradoxically similar to that of Luther.
The dogma promulgated by Pius IX in 1870 clearly states the requirements and limits of pontifical infallibility: the Pope, speaking ex cathedra, intends to define a truth of faith or morality as revealed by God and obligate the faithful to consider it as such.
How can we forget the case of Pope Honorius condemned by the Council of Constantinople III (680-681) for not defending the Catholic Faith against the monotheistic heresy. That Council and that anathema were ratified in 683 by Pope Leo II ( ). A Pope, later revered as a saint ( ), condemns his predecessor! Who was right, Honorius or San Leone II? Lion. This fact is already sufficient to remove the onniinfallibilism. We must face and dissolve this knot, otherwise the onniinfallibilisti will always return to office as diligent neoinquisitors and persecutors.
About the current Pope, let us ask ourselves if it is infallible when, for example:
1) tells the Argentine faithful that one should not go to persuade someone to become a Catholic (see L'Osservatore Romano, 08 August 2013, page 8);
2) tells Eugenio Scalfari that each has his own idea of good and evil and it is enough to persuade him to proceed towards what he considers well (see Pope Francis, Interviews and conversations with journalists, edited by Don Giuseppe Costa SDB, Vatican Publishing Library, Vatican City 2014, page 97);
3) tells Scalfari that there is no Catholic God, there is God and that is enough, and Jesus is His incarnation (see here, p.109);
4) tells young Christians and Muslims (Parish of St. Heart, Rome 19 January 2014) that they must share (faith), one with the Bible and others with the Quran ... that the important thing is to go on and that "one only God is the same »( );
5) says (January 6, 2016) that before the "wide range of religions, there is only one certainty for us: we are all children of God" ( multimedia / vaticaninsider / ita / the-video-message-of-francesco-fxuRyM1CAIDGv7bnFGJ9rM / page.html);
6) believes that Luther's intentions "were not wrong", that he was a "reformer" who "made a" medicine "for the Church" ( /2016/june/documents/papa-francesco_20160626_armenia-conference-stampa.html );
7) says, commenting on Jn 8, 21-30, that Jesus "became a devil, a serpent for us" (Homily, 4 April 2017), thus exhuming Luther, who affirmed precisely that God became a devil [cf. ];
8) says that before the Cross of the Son the Madonna remembers the divine promises received at the Annunciation and being human "perhaps she had the desire to say" Bugie "," I was deceived "... John Paul II said this when speaking of the Madonna at that time »(Http:// ; see the audio: , homily 20 December 2013, minutes 1: 40-1: 54. Actually, John Paul II never said this ( ) Bergoglio presents the faith of Mary Immaculate as uncertain and doubtful?
Yet. Let us ask ourselves if Francis is infallible:
9) when he approves, in the form of an "authentic magisterium", the letter of the Argentine bishops who allow the Communion also to divorced and remarried who live more uxorio ( mattei-on-the-crisis-of-the-church / ; ; / news-by-network / de-mattei-meets-edward-peters-the-letter-buenos-aires-teaching-authentic /
Let us also ask ourselves if Bergoglio considered these ideas before his election as a Roman Pontiff.
10) The journalist Sandro Magister, always well informed, believes, with foundation, that Francis, in the name of conscience, will approve and approve the project of revision of Humanae Vitae and the liberalization of contraception. Among the supporters of the project is the moral theologian Don Maurizio Chiodi, renowned in the CEI and member of the new Pontifical Academy for Life ( -vitae-fareio-francesco-liberalize-the-pill / ; vitae-a-letter / )
Even in the light of the 9 or 10 points mentioned above and of other possible passages on the limits of heterodoxy, it is not surprising that the Pontiff received at least 67 praises explicit or implicit from Masons all over the world in 2013-2017 (here they are quoted) 62 lodi: ; brazilian masons quote with praise passages of Pope Francis on humility, family harmony, peace, solidarity, the 63 to praise: e-generosidade-sao-essenciais-para-a-unidade / ; 64 a abril2017 / ; the 65 to : ; 66 to : de-anapolis / "Por falar en familia, Jorge Bergoglio, or Pope Francisco, nos diz ..."; the 67 to: )
For the onniinfallibilisti, Francesco is always infallible and must be supported, always.
Someone wrote that in the light of Amoris laetitia and other cases, there is "a dualism perhaps unprecedented: the man-Jorge-Bergoglio (Simone) is not in harmony with the Pope-Francis (Peter). Moreover, with deviant discernment, he uses the Authority to silence "restorationists" Catholics but lets progressives be made inside and outside the Church (instructive articles by CR, Socci, Tosatti, Magister) ».
In short, in light of the 10 points listed above and of these 4 and a half years of commissioning, what kind of right discernment can still be hoped for by the Pope (for example, see also: / 2018/03/02 / bergoglio-unveiled-tell me-how-do you speak-and-tell-you-who-are / ) for FFI and SFI? He gave Founders, friars and nuns, in the hands of friars and hostile ecclesiastics. A little 'as it seems to be happening in China: the Catholic faithful in China will in fact be delivered by the Vatican of Francis to the Nationalist Church and the Communist Party ( / zen-I'm-not-yet-succeed-to-understand-for-what-do-talk-with-the-china /; ; ).
To put it another way: "Abel" must remain subservient to "Cain", the persecuted to the persecutor, as among the FFI so in China and elsewhere?
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