Thursday 29 January 2015


Day 5 and the media is still pumping us full of the cataclism that will befall the country because Prince Phil got knighted. Here's the real nasty bit..... the right-wing commentators to a man/woman have condemned the PM's appointment for their own grubby ends. Oh! the criticism per se is fine but some of us are not fooled. You see folks, every now and then, conservative media voices need badly to be seen as non-biased, to be seen to arc up against their pin-ups, to appear totally independant and even-handed. In this case they have hung their hats on an issue of trivia and they know full-well that the next zephyr of political import will blow those hats to oblivion, never to be remembered when the next election is around the corner. BUT, they can always claim: hey! didn't we lead the criticism against the PM.                                                                                                                                           This is reverse dialectics!! Another recent example is the Bikie clubs donating to the LNP to make a very salient point. Another is: the Chinese communist politburo setting up a phoney Catholic hierarchy. I"m not the dill these commentators want me to be. SHAME on you.....Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones, Janet Albrechtson, Miranda Devine et al. Tell it like it really is...a touch of trivia that has merely rushed in to fill the vacuum of a sparse news cycle.

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