Friday, 2 June 2017

The Papal Climate.

[re-posted from 2 years ago].........

Let me say who it was that Francis called in to advise him in the meeting that preceded and led to this encyclical: Ban Ki-Moon, U.N. Chief, and Jeffrey Sachs, a guy called Stiglitz with some influence from Christiana Figueres. The last three are either members of Socialist International and/or communists, while all are pushers of depopulation by abortion, and campaign for free, easy killing of the unborn. A Pope supposedly upholds the dictum that mankind is made in the image of God; his advisors see man as the enemy of Gaia, the Earth Godess. While filthy rich themselves, they advocate high taxes on the middle-class to be given to save the earth and the poor. [How has that all gone in North Korea, Russia, Cuba etc?.] Throw in influence of George Soros and Google them all, if you haven’t heard of them.
As if Francis wasn’t already under a cloud for his suspect support of the evil Junta rule in Argentina and his sacking of fellow priests who ministered to the poor. Now, in this papal letter, he falls for the BS around the imminent supposed catastrophe of climate Armageddon. At least he attributes climate change [which is real], to both natural as well as human activity. But wham! he makes the cardinal error of calling CO2 a pollutant. For a man on a mission to stand up for the poor, Francis comes out against coal, which is the only way that a billion or so of the world’s population who have NO electricity, could possibly afford to acquire power. [The campaign against coal is fraught with propaganda, but is a subject for another day].
Secular humanists, anti-lifers, eco-alarmists, pessimists, atheists, One-World Govt enthusiasts and those who would subvert our sovereignty will all employ this encyclical to support their agendas.

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