Wednesday 17 December 2014


The genuinely well-meaning Australians who would like to see us all drop our colour prejudices, see our fellow Australians as equal members of society regardless of colour and race, are being DUPED.! First, proposed changes to the Constitution, [ recognising Aboriginals as the first occupants ], will highlight separateness, not oneness and equality.                                                                                      Second: before the Sydney Siege was over we had this seemingly magnanimous campaign of #illridewithyou where non-Muslims would accompany Muslims on public transport. What this really says is: "Most of us are bigots who will attack you, but a few of us are good-hearted and we'll protect you."DUPED AGAIN. [ I won't go into the wilful exclusiveness of Muslims who , by wearing a burqa, say that my face is not open to you, we will never be one of you..... The hijab is not quite in this category].                                                                                                                                          Third: Abbott has given $5mil of our money to his own leftie conservatives to promote the constitutional changes; like we are not intelligent enough to make our own decisions.                            Fourth: A Queensland Professor has just lost his job because an IT server has exposed his private emails which contain racist comments. Personally I am diametrically opposed to his sentiments. However, the AG, George Brandis was quite correct when he said recently [and infamously], that Australians have a right to be bigotted. This has to be looked at logically, not hysterically. The fact is we do have a right to think what we like; Its also a fact that we don't have a right to voice all and any opinion that we hold in our heads. We have laws of libel , slander, mischief, human rights and anti-discrimination, which mitigate against saying whatever we like. Apart from statutes, there is the unwritten ethos of a society, and I would suggest that racial blindness and colour blindness should be aspired to. Then no-one will feel the need to protect or be protected due to their skin colour or race.     FOOTNOTE: This position as outlined is about RACE, not CULTURE. Ever since Whitlam's immigration minister, Al Grassby instituted multi-culturalism, we have had a heap of troubles. Australia should have stayed a MULTI-RACIAL society, not a multi-cultural one.                                All these "isms", well, ism I right or ism I wrong??

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