Monday 15 December 2014

SYDNEY SIEGE; Terrorist or Nutter?

Some media commentators and various authorities try to emphasise that the siege does not suggest that this is terrorism at work as the black flag is a benign statement about a religious belief. Tell that to those who have been affected.......                                                                                                                    The eight or ten people held hostage at the point of a gun;                                                                       The hundreds of their family, extended family, friends;                                                                           The thousands of city workers who were evacuated;                                                                                 The children and child care workers in the floor above the siege and their families;                                The cops who stand ready next to the building, their families;                                                               The media and cops who stand nearby and their families, not knowing if a bomb is going to flatten a city block or two.                                                                                                                          Lets not forget the 15million of the rest of us [excluding young demographs], who will be deeply affected by this; many of whom will live in fear of Muslims forever. Great work Mr. Perp, this will really gain Islam heaps of converts!                                                                                                           Not far-reaching? Imagine the frantic activities within govt., police depts., state and federal, transport assets, business etc. It will be like a ferret in a warren at the AFP, ASIO, ASIS, NSC, MI,and thats only in OZ. Remember 9/11? A plane has...wait, a second plane has...wait,...then there was a third and fourth.... thats what authorities here would have been trying frantically to find... co-ordinated attacks. Three thousand kms away in sleepy Perth, cops would be surrepticiously called out to concentrate on Lindt shops, embassies, other likely targets of a co-ordinated attack. ASIO offices would be a flurry of activity trying to scan through 100's of possible contacts that this perp knows then sending teams to watch possible suspects, which would be extended to tag anyone suspected of copy-catting. And now and in future there will be the actions that will have to be taklen to negate retaliatory action that will be on a long list of trouble-makers, white supremisists etc. And then, this will be duplicated in other western countries which may be targets of fundamentalists.                          SO: not terrorism? Give me a break. Even if the perp is a nutter on meths, the barn door of terror has been opened.

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