Tuesday, 27 February 2018

DILEMMAS for the Faithful. #15


I had begun writing on a particular theme regarding affairs in the Church when some articles came through that seem more urgent to post. Over the years I have become used to reading articles strongly flavored with scepticism on the legitimacy of Vatican II and the popes of the Novus Ordo while, at the same time noting events, news and papal pronouncements reported by neutral, insipid, and loyal-to-the-pope media. It's been a case of radical trad organizations versus moderate journalism. But, a crescendo is notable lately whereby the moderates appear to be turning against Pope Francis, not to mention many of his bishops and priests. What were once questions are now becoming accusations. Just two days ago I posted on Fr. Weinandy's scathing address in Sydney, and he is a member of the International Theological Commission. Just through is an virulent article from Guy McClung Ph.D published in the moderately traditional magazine The American Catholic. Now, I would include this normally as another radical item in the vein of The Remnant or The Church Militant Mag, but McClung's article appeared to be truthful enough to be posted on the site of a bishop, being Bishop Gracida. On top of this I already was holding an article from a Novus Ordo sympathizer, Phil Lawler, which is also signalling that Lawler is turning against the Pope. Further, among my emails is another article by Cardinal Sarah, criticizing the prelates and the tone of hermeneutics. I will reproduce the McClung article and reference the links to the others I mentioned.

While this must becoming distressing for many, especially for those who haven't kept abreast of such matters over the reign of Francis or previously, I myself have felt the weight of this quite suddenly, despite having kept informed. The reason for this is that, with all my various engagements and readings of the various sites, interlocutors and posters and commentators are suddenly talking about the possibility of "impeachment" or "dismissal" of the Pope. I will address this at the end of this post.

Here then is McClung's article............

Bergoglianism Is The Worst Heresy


It will be a small comfort in future to those faithful Catholics of today when the encyclopedic lists of heresies begins thus: “ Apollinarianism, Arianism, Bergoglianism,  . . ….”.

This Heresy Is Unique In Church History

There are things unique about the Bergoglian heresy that do in fact make it the worst heresy of all time. These include:

  1. The astounding numbers of sheep led astray, deceived via the modern-day real-time worldwide promulgation of Bergoglian error and the use of media to spread this error to the ends of the earth.

  1. The Bergoglian denial, in effect, of the existence of Hell, making it into a somewhat warm vacation before one returns to the heavenly home, and the eradication of eternal punishment for every type of grievous, mortal sin.

  1. The Bergoglian demand that sin and sinners be publicly celebrated, elevated, and even blasphemously blessed within the church community.

  1. Jorge Bergolgio’s destruction of divine law  in his new  doctrine that God judges some to be in sin while requiring others doing the same sinful action to continue in sin; with the implications that God, in some situations, wills people to sin,  that God has one divine law for some and a contradictory divine law for others.

  1. The utter depravity and demonic perversity of a legion of many who aid in the spread of this evil – including laity and clergy, priests, pastors, bishops, and cardinals worldwide, as well as Vatican officials, some of whom not only condone, but take part in, such abominations.

One thing that is not unique about Bergoglianism is that this heresy, like others, includes declarations directly and explicitly contrary to what Our Lord Jesus Christ said in His own words. It is difficult to conceive of what a man must be  and must tell himself so that he can say, in effect, “Jesus, here is what you got wrong” and “God, here is how you can improve and be a better god.”

The Bergoglian Heresy

In denying Church tradition, in correcting God Almighty, in contradicting the infallible declarations of numerous Church Councils, and in proclaiming a new magisterium, Jorge Bergoglio announces the sand on which he would erect Jorge church:

“ . . .it can no longer simply be said . . “ (Bergoglian Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, Section 301, henceforth “AL”)

What follows from this is that Jorge Bergoglio, he alone, is the one to let us know what can now “be said.”

The main tenets of his heresy are:

  1. There is no mortal sin, e.g. adultery and fornication, which results in the loss of sanctifying grace; even for those aware of the demands of the divine law.

  1. Divine grace does not make all mortal sins avoidable; a situation’s circumstances can dismiss one from the demands of the divine law.

  1. Depending on the situation and its circumstances, God sometimes wills a person to sin.

  1. For those God judges and who are then sent to Hell, Hell is not eternal, the fire is not everlasting. “No one is condemned forever,” the capsule version of Bergoglianism (from AL, 297), is the implicit Non Serviam of  the Bergoglians.

How many sheep led astray?

Because of our modern media, and the present population of the world, this heresy will lead more people  astray than any other heresy in all of history.

In past centuries, many thousands of faithful Catholics were assaulted by various heresies; but their numbers were relatively small compared to the number of Catholics today. There are over 1,000,000,000 Catholics alive today. These faithful 1.2 billion, plus or minus, are part of Jesus’s flock. Included in His command to the eleven apostles, and their apostolic successors, “Go and teach all nations,” are another 1,000,000,000 Christians;  about 1,500,000,000 Muslims; and about 3,200,000,000 more souls here and there around the globe.

Jesus does not want to lose even one of these. Satan wants each and every one of them; and, with the media being what it is – the Internet, cellphones, satellites, television,  mass communications, movies, and instant news – a multitude of the faithful will hear the Bergoglian heresy, and many of them will like what they hear, especially coming from “The Pope.” When a man wearing papal white says “Who am I to judge?” within thirty-six hours people everywhere conclude that what they are doing and what they want to do is just fine with a God who loves them, a God who will not judge them, despite the words they say weekly in the Creed, “who will come to judge the living and the dead.”

When this same man proclaims that God’s Hell, everlasting Hell, does not exist, and then in an official document proclaims that his new Get-Out-Of-Hell-Free Mercy  Card applies to everyone,  in every situation, and to everything previously called mortal sin, many will conclude that what sins they do here will never mean they will not, eventually, enjoy heaven. Never mind what God told them in His inspired Word, and continues to tell  them as the voice of  Conscience, the man in white has used the keys to the kingdom to loose them free eternally.

New paradigm, new dogma, heresy

Jorge Bergoglio and his mouthpieces have been joyfully proclaiming that there’s a new paradigm in town, replacing the old judgmental one of Jesus and ushering in a new light of love and mercy into Jorge’s church. This is being foisted on the faithful as the usual development of doctrine that happens in Jesus’s Church as it has been done since the Resurrection.

Paradigm shifts are cataclysmic. One paradigm replaces another. One paradigm is not the “development” of another. A new paradigm destroys an old one, utterly.  This is why the philosopher of science who popularized  the study of paradigms, Thomas .S. Kuhn, did not use the words “paradigm development,” but called his seminal book,  “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.”

For example, there was no “Copernican development” of the theory of the earth-centered universe; there was a revolt that undermined and threw out the geocentric Ptolemaic system and totally replaced it with the new paradigm, the Copernican sun-centered heliocentric theory.

Jorge Bergolgio and his brother Bergoglians are correct – he is declaring and promoting a new paradigm. Saying so is a tacit admission that Bergoglianism is heresy – a revolt against the deposit of faith, a denial of the immutable and infallible teachings of Jesus’s Church as proclaimed for millennia. The Jorge-centered paradigm’s appeal to sinners is that it is a me-myself centered paradigm, a pleasure-here-and-now paradigm. The Jorge paradigm says “Eat, drink, be merry, and fornicate, for tomorrow you may die.” The Jorge-centered paradigm, by definition, must supplant the Jesus-centered paradigm.


Many heretics over the centuries have had no problem publicly confronting their accusers and providing responses, however weak or vacuuous,  to accusations of heresy and attacks against their heretical dogmas. One last reason Bergoglianism is the worst heresy is that Jorge Bergoglio refuses to respond to those faithfully expressing doubts and seeking the loving, caring guidance of the shepherd who is the “servant of the servants of God.”

Instead, like a totalitarian despot, a third world dictator,  he calls the faithful who question him the “doctrinal resistance,” and he has let it be known, in his own words,  “I know who they are.”  This from a pope, the vicar of Christ on earth, the shepherd of shepherds, the successor of Peter. He has also let it be known that his minions inform him about the attacks on him.  The Vatican now has its own Okhrana, KGB, Gestapo,  and Stasi.  Jorge church is a microcosm of 1984Animal Farm,  and Brave New World all rolled into one.  Future lists of tyrants will include the names Nero, Adolf, Josef, and Jorge.

The conclusion to be drawn from his refusal to address those who seek clarification of what he has said is that the questions are spot-on.  His studied indifference declares that he has no reasoned, credible response. His silence screams “Yes, I am a heretic, and proud of it.”

Someday Jesus will say to each of us, to Jorge Bergolio, and all the Bergoglians, “I indeed know who you are.”  There will then be a progression for everyone from a belief in the mystery of resurrection to the certain knowledge that heaven is eternal, hell is real, and those in hell are condemned forever.

What I do have against such an article is the lack of references. When such allegations are aired, they call for some evidence. To that end I refer the reader to this link in which McClung's accusations will, for the most part, be referenced somewhere. [Personally, I find a few of these references to be trivial and/or of no consequence, but for the most part they are damning if only to the volume of them] ...........

Here is a different list ............

And another ................

Here then are two articles from a supporter of the Pope, Phil Lawler, one from over a year ago and one from two days ago which can be compared for the change of attitude, should readers wish to dig that deeply ........

and ........

Here is Cardinal Sarah's latest criticism ........

On the reduction in the numbers of Catholics, both nominal and practicing, from Pew Research........

Monday, 26 February 2018

DILEMMAS for the Faithful. #14

This post is a difficult one to write up. So far in this series I have presented bald news and facts with a minimum of personal interpretation [let's call it the avoidance of hermeneutics, even though I am accredited somewhat to do so]. This post, however, comes with a premise, and that premise is that the homosexual putshe has become an instrument of war, driven by evil powers, to destroy the Church as the Body Of Christ. As the legendary war strategist, Sun Tzu, says in the 'Art Of War' that war is deception. Individual leaders of the Church Militant [the Institutional Church] have been deceived and are deceiving the faithful. This is not to claim that any priest, prelate, layman or homosexual person is possessed by a demon. But I would maintain that some leaders are unwittingly assisting a subversive agenda. To be clear, the Church is not out to attack homosexual people, nor the converse except for some rather nasty types. A current example of our leaders unwittingly assisting the wrong side is the war that has erupted between the bishops of Austin, Texas, who are attacking the Texas Right To Life organization. That can be read about in posts from an emeritus bishop here .......

That conflict is enough to make a grown man cry. And so is the following. As per post #12, referring to the infiltration of the Church, this post deals with homosexuality within the Church Militant. And here again a principle must be reiterated: The Church is an indefilable entity in so far as its consistent dogma determined by the magisterium over two thousand years cannot be contradicted by new 'dogma', even though its doctrine [the way that dogma is taught] may alter in manner. This is the contentious element of Amoris Laetitia which may be an attempt to reverse Dogma by allowing the sacraments for those in illicit unions [not to mention the latest German Bishops' decree to allow non-Catholics to receive the sacraments!!]. The battle over this continues. Today we witness yet another battle  -  between prelates if you don't mind  -  where Cdl. Schonborn of Vienna has castigated emeritus Bishop Andreus Laun of Saltzburg for saying that the Church cannot bless homosexual unions [something which Cdl. Marx also recently promoted]. That fracas can be read here ..........

To get to it then. First, let's take a look at Cdl. Schonborn's involvement in the 'pastoral care' of the homosexual element itself. [Another 'dilemma for the faithful']. This will be followed by articles which show just how much the Church has been infiltrated. But in all this, it must be kept in mind that the Church, being the Body Of Christ cannot be called corrupt, even though there may be many both within and without who themselves are corrupt or who push an evil agenda. The evils that mere mortals do are convenient to those who hate the Church, but generalizing individual wrongs to equate them to the Church is a common fault.

Cardinal Schonborn hosts the Queers at a prayer service in his cathedral .......

Here is an article on this aberrant 'service' .........                                                                             

Second Article: Recall the drug-fuelled gay orgy at the Vatican itself. I will let one of the many articles speak for itself ...............

Reports stated the apartment is used by a secretary of Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio (pictured), a key aide to the Pope
Reports stated the apartment is used by a secretary of Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio (pictured), a key aide to the Pope

Third Article: Throughout Italy alone there is a large contingent of practicing gay priests. The bishops and priests of Patmos carried out an investigation about this and advised the bishops of Naples but received no satisfactory response. 

Five years ago, a Fr. Levi tried to expose it all but didn't get far. Here is his interview with a media outlet. It's one shocking interview, but you will need google translator .........

Don Ariel Levi di Gualdo, author of an essay denouncing a gay lobby in the Vatican, explains the origins and strategies of those who promote and protect homosexuality in the Church: "They want its destruction from within. It's the first time in the history that happens ».
The enemy inside , by R. Cascioli

Fourth Article: This is not only a disgrace, but quite embarrassing. Why?...... A network of gay priests in Italy was outed by, of all people, a gay gigolo and GayNews who compiled a 1200 page file on these priests and gave it to the Church.

"The site [ Gaynews.it],reported that the dossier was developed by a young escort, who lives in Naples, already known in the news for having unveiled the alleged traffics of Don Luca Morini. Now the new dossier would involve about sixty prelates, diocesans and religious orders, mostly from Campania but not only. According to the Gaynews.it website for each of these priests there would be a personal card and a documentation attached also with screenshots of conversations via smartphone. After the confirmation of the Neapolitan Curia of the receipt of the dossier and the "assessments" announced, the scalding material could cause disqualification"

Here is that article, but translator may be required ........


Many have probably seen this article on facebook. It is two years old but worth adding.......

DILEMMAS for the Faithful. #13

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 12:07 PM PST

Jose Tolentino de Mendonça, Retreat Master of the Lenten Exercises in 2018 for Pope Francis and the Roman Curia, with the feminist theologian Sr. Teresa Forcades, who calls for a queer revolution in the Church.

(Rome) Yesterday, the Roman Curia's Lenten retreat, in which Pope Francis also took part, came to an end in Ariccia, near Rome. This year's retreat master raises some questions. For the retreat this year, Pope Francis summoned the Portuguese priestly poet José Tolentino de Mendonça.  He is known as "a fan of Sr. Teresa Forcades," says Corrispondenza Romana. The Catalan theologian, born in 1966, is considered by her followers to be a representative of "feminist theology," "critical theology," and Liberation Theology.


Teresa Forcades i Vila Teresa Forcades i Vila

Forcades: For a queer theology

In 1990, she began a medical degree in Barcelona, ​​which she completed with a specialization in internal medicine in New York. In Harvard in 1997 she earned a degree in Protestant theology and entered the Benedictine monastery of Montserrat in Barcelona in the same year. In Catalonia, she graduated in Catholic Theology and graduated in 2009 with a PhD in Fundamental Theology. In 2013 she received a lectureship in theology and gender studies at the Berlin Humboldt University. Since 2013, she has also appeared as an activist for the independence of Catalonia.

In 2015, she was exclaustrated with the approval of the Vatican and left her monastery to run in the Catalan parliamentary elections. She continues to be considered a nun, is subject to her obligations and can at any time return to her monastery, as Spanish media reported.

Among other things, Forcades campaigns internationally for the recognition of aberrosexuality by the Church in the course of her feminist theology. Whether coincidence or not, while Tolentino was giving the pope and the curial retreat, Forcades is promoting the Italian edition of her book, "We are all different! For a queer theology" in Italy.

Tolentino, her "fan", is Deputy Rector of the Catholic University of Lisbon and Consultor of the Pontifical Council for Culture. For Pope Francis and the management of the Vatican dicastery he chose as theme: "Praise of thirst".

New climate for aberrosexuality since Francis

While giving the retreat, or shortly before, Forcades toured Italy to promote the recognition of homosexuality by the Church, although the official theme of her lectures was mostly Women's Theology.

On the website Gionata, a circle of "Christian LGBT" it says:
"In the context of the book launch, Forcades emphasized that the Church's relationship to homosexuality had finally changed with the election of Pope Francis. He tries to do the utmost, including through the Family Synod, to change the Church's attitude toward homosexuality."
Nota bene: Forcades does not speak of the Church's attitude toward homosexuals, but of homosexuality.
Forcades reveals even more: 

"At the Family Synod, he has not been able to move forward, but the atmosphere is not the same as before Pope Francis came."

For example, Sr. Jeannine Gramick [self-confessed lesbian], who for many years in the US is fighting for not only accepting that someone is aberrosexual, but also the aberrosexual acts that are recognized as physical love. She has said that since Francis Pope, she is no longer exposed to any pressure she has experienced before. "

"Renewal" of the church is "queer"

Feminist theology in history

According to Forcades, the Church is making "big steps forward," especially in Oceana and South America in dialogue with homosexuals: "much faster than in Europe."
The "renewal" of the Church is gay for Forcades, or to put it in their words: "queer." She speaks  literally of a "queer revolution".

In 2015, in an interview with Corriere della Sera on "gay marriage", she said that she is in favor of "sexual identities being no drawers, but God wanting them to complement one another, one and the other." And anyway: "What's wrong with that? They seem happy. Why should not they be blessed?  Why not in the church? Do not we have to rejoice over love, no matter what form and expression it has?"

A few months later, in February 2016, she told La Repubblica : "Love is always a sacrament of God." She was also in favor of adoption for aberrosexuals:
"What children need is an adult, mature and responsible love from parents who sacrifice their needs for the children. Whether they are growing up with two women or two men is not a problem."

Tolentino's "model" for the future of Christianity

 Tolentino at the Lenten retreat in Ariccia

The appointment of Jose Tolentino as retreat master to Ariccia, a man who prides himself on making contact with a dubious theologian such as Forcades, would be of dubious quality to any Catholic group.  His call to retreat for the Roman Curia "seems to be an expression of a political plan," says Corrispondenza Romana. "The friendship" between Tolentino and Forcades "is based on an obvious equality of thought." Forcade's book,"The Feminist Theology of History," features a foreword by Tolentino.  In it he dreams of a "different history." 
"The history of the West (and of the Church) might have been different if a symbolic, open and sensitive way had been chosen as an approach to the real, rather than creating the clear, triumphalist grammar we know. I repeat: maybe the story would be different.  This is where the extraordinary work of Teresa Forcades i Vila, the feminist theology of history which the reader holds in her hand, comes to our aid."
Tolentino presents Forcade's teachings as a model to "liberate" Christianity from dogmatic constraints. Forcade's approach, says the priest poet: 
"is in any case courageous: to show the contradictions and seek alternative interpretations that support a break of meaning and civilization. One conviction left by the book is that the future of Christianity depends especially on the purification process that succeeds us in its past and present. "
It is Forcade's merit, according to Tolentino, to have emphasized the importance of a relationship ethic that is free from strict and codified norms: 
"Teresa Forcades i Vila reminds us of the essentials: that Jesus of Nazareth neither codified nor regulated. That is, he has created an ethic of relationship; he transformed the poetry of his message into the visibility of his flesh; he showed his body as a premise."
Corrispondenza Romana then wondered:

"What spiritual fruits can the participants of the fasting exercises of Ariccia get from it?"

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Youtube/Vatican.va (Screenshots) Image: Youtube / Vatican.va (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

DILEMMAS for the Faithful. #12


I wish you to be heretics because heresy from the Greek means choice. Heretic is the person who chooses. The heretic is the one who more than the truth loves the search for truth. The heresy of facts before that of words. The heresy that lies in ethics before in speeches. The heresy of coherence, of courage, of gratuity, of responsibility, of commitment. Today it is a heretic who puts his freedom at the service of others, who commits his freedom for those who still are not free. Heretic is he who is not satisfied with second-hand knowledge, who studies those who deepens who is at stake in what makes those who believe that only in "we" the "I" can find a realization
[This article grab is pasted from Gloria.TV 25.2.2018]. I take Fr. Ciotti's quoted remarks at face value. I do not read anything into the pic as hand holding is not unusual in the Latin/Italian culture. Following, I will give some biographical facts about Fr. Ciotti [and Friends].

Sunday, 25 February 2018

DILEMMAS for the Faithful. #11



The General Instruction of the Roman Missal is the Catholic Church’s instructions governing the celebration of Mass.
N. 274 of the Roman Missal specifies that:
“During Mass three genuflections are made by the priest celebrant: namely, after the showing of host, after the showing of the chalice and before Communion.”
Additionally, all Catholics kneel before the Monstrance holding the Real Presence and genuflect towards the Tabernacle when entering or leaving the church

 In the video of the Mass below, the consecration of the host into the Body of Christ happens at the 51:47 mark, and the consecration of the chalice or wine into the Blood of Christ at the 52:32 mark — but Pope Francis did not genuflect ......

Here’s Pope Francis not genuflecting in another Mass — the Christmas Midnight Mass, December 24, 2016.
The consecration of the host into the Body of Christ begins at the 1:18:57 mark. Note how the Vatican’s camera cuts to a nun dressed in blue in the congregation (11:19:25), to avoid capturing the Pope’s refusal to genuflect.
Then comes the consecration of the wine into the Blood of Christ (1:20:20). Once again, the camera cuts to and lingers on another blue-garbed nun in the congregation (1:20:36 to 1:20:42), instead of showing the Pope not genuflecting.

At the 1.18 min. mark in the following video, the Pope leaves his pew without genuflecting...

In the link following Francis still refuses to kneel before the Eucharistic adoration.
Vatican News (21 February) published photographs of a Eucharistic adoration that took place during the retreat of the Roman Curia in progress in Ariccia, near Rome.
The participants in the retreat knelt before the monstrance, except Francesco.

perhaps Pope Francis has a physical impediment that restricts his kneeling, which is most understandable. 

BUT THEN................

Something that Francis has managed at every Holy Thursday celebration for several years.


H/T: For this Dilemma for the Faithful #11, Dr. Eowyn of fellowshipoftheminds.com and I have worked together and off each other's information.

                              Pope Francis kneels

Pope St. Pious X, pray for us.

DILEMMAS for the Faithful. #10

A change to a biblical verse has come to the attention of Fr. Cristoforo. He claims that it softens the separation of 'saved' and the 'unsaved' at Judgement and that this fits the agenda of the "new church" to imply that humanity will merely be separated into "factions". Readers can make up their own minds after reading this translation and may conclude that this change merely concurs with Jesus' words that 'there are many rooms in My Father's mansion'. Perhaps though it signifies something more sinister ...........

For a true understanding of 1 Cor 11:19. Heresy in the foreground. How I change you and soften the verse "of Fra Cristoforo
Even this translation error of the new CEI of 2008 is scandalous. It is pedestrian and clearly factious. Today I will not dedicate my comment to the Sunday Gospel, because a reader has signaled to us this opprobrium that deserves to be highlighted.
This is the passage from 1 Corinthians 11,19, which is a contextualized verse within the chapter in which Saint Paul speaks of the behavior that Christians must have in the Eucharist. Just to understand each other. But the context at this moment is of interest only to understand where the verse is inserted. The proble in is another. It is the translation that has given the new CEI. In fact, originally this verse was translated as follows:
It is in fact necessary that divisions occur among you, so that those who are true believers among you" (v.19) - 1974 version.
Read instead how it was translated in 2008:
It is in fact necessary that they arisefazioni tra voi, perché in mezzo a voi si manifestino quelli che hanno superato la prova” (v.19) – nuova CEI 2008.
Instead of "divisions" the term "factions" is used. A very gross error, but that has some turbid, because the intent is to completely change the meaning of the verse. It is different to say that "divisions" rather than "factions" must arise. In fact, St. Paul, indirectly resumes that "separation" that the Lord will accomplish between the sheep and the goats on the day of judgment(Mt 25: 31-46), where the term "division" is very explicit, and indicates that this "separation" is not only necessary, but will be directly performed by Jesus on that day. Translating with "factions" is completely misleading. Nowadays the factions are creating only the neo-woman, with its deliberate confusion, with the lack of direction from those who should hold the rudder of the Boat of Peter firmly, and instead handed it over to the heretics and apostates.
So much so that the original Greek verse reports:
Δεῖ γὰρ καὶ αἱρέσεις ἐν ὑμῖν εἶναι, ἵνα καὶ οἱ δόκιμοι φανεροὶ γένωνται ἐν ὑμῖν"(v.19 - Greek text).
The term is even " αἱρέσεις - aireseis, da airesis", which means "division".
And also the Vulgate of San Girolamo translates as follows:
Nam oportet et haereses inter vos esse, ut et, here probati sunt, posters fiant in vobis " (v.19). It translates the word with "haereses", which literally means "heresies". In fact, heresy is nothing but a "division".
Softening the song with "factions" means giving it another meaning. In other words, to justify the total confusion in this neochiesa. There may be all of them (Protestants, LGBT, Hindus, Buddhists, Anglicans, Muslims, etc.), excluding true Catholics.
I wanted to tell you this new mistake. And I thank the reader who reported it.
I understand that my post is full of gaps and incompleteness (I tried to be essential), but I leave you readers the burden of filling them with your comments - ( I ask Mgr. Baronio to comment better on the Latin part, which in the matter he is more experienced than me ). Thanks for your patience.
Fra Cristoforo